Bhumika’s new book represents the plights of LGBTI community

Bhumika’s new book represents the plights of LGBTI community

Kathmandu (Pahichan) January 29 -Bhumika is a familiar name and everyone knows her. But state does recognizes only to Kailash because she took citizenship in the former name. A part of her biography has unearthed the problems faced by third gender regarding their gender identity.

The story is about how Kailash turned into Bhumika and it represents the story of all sexual and gender minority. She had revealed that many members of this community are denied to open their bank accounts due to gap between name and body form and gestures.

She herself searched different names than Rita, Sita, Gita, Kamala, Sharmila and found Bhumika as an appropriate name.  She already has received citizenship two times ad per gender identity but state is reluctant to change her name which has disappointed her and this plight has been illustrated in the book.

She has also mentioned the problems faced by gay and lesbians. A detail story of lesbian who was reluctant to disclose her identity could a source of knowledge to know about this community. Many people wonder how it is possible to have a sexual relation between girls.

In fact, the body friction between two people who love and care each other, can provide sexual satisfaction. She was presented stories shared by her lesbian friends. If so, how is a male who is not attracted with female conduct sexual relation? Gay Anuj Peter has given a detail answer of it through Bhumika’s book.

“Our main sexual activity is anal and oral sex. We take satisfaction through anal and oral sex as well as tong kiss and four play,” Peter has said. The book is not confined only on the stories of lesbians and gay, it also presents about third gender male. Though born as girl, during the course of time, she feels herself as a boy whose name is Elyn Bhandari. Elyn’s story is about his struggle to establish himself as a male in society.

Similarly, there are the stories of inter-sex people. Kusum Bista faced a lot of difficulties as relatives and neighbors used to raise questions about the identity. “I want an identity of female as intersex and it want female as my life partner,” Bista said. There are both male and female in inter-sex category.

Bista wants to marry with inter-sex female. Bhumika has written book in a frank and clear way. Bhumika has recalled the problems she used to face when she was 4-5 years old. Her father was a drunkard who used to create tensions in family. The economic status of family was not good because her father used to spend his earning in consuming alcohol. He father died when she was eight years old. People used to criticize her labeling as Chhaka and showing the behaviors of female. She has also illustrated other aspects of this community in her book.

She is of the view that society is always tend to seek the leadership of male though some males are not capable to take the leadership of family. Bhumika has appreciated the love she received from her family but there is some irony on the bias that created problems for her to join politics. She is of the view that society itself discriminatory to this community and state is biased about this community.

Bhumika has raised questions about the reluctance of political leadership to provide space to this community. The book also covers the international issues and problems faced by this community which is helpful to know the global movement of LGBTI. She has explained some key terminologies of this community which would be huge resource for all sections of the society. The book was published by Ghost Writing Nepal.

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