News impact NLC : LGBTI are eligible to receive insurance facilities as per their income

News impact NLC : LGBTI are eligible to receive insurance facilities as per their income

Kathmandu (Pahichan) February 12 – Following the news published in, Nepal Life Insurance has made it clear that there are not any discriminatory to the members of sexual and gender minority and they can receive insurance package as per their income.

NLC has changed its earlier policy to limiting the insurance of this community to one million.  According to Prakash Dhital, Manager of Naxal Branch, members of this community could receive the insurance facility millions as per their income. Following the news, the branch approached its office at Malaysia which made it clear that there should not be any limitation to this community.

Like male and female, these members of this community should submit the health report and fee for such report will be paid by insurance.

On Thursday, third gender Sudeep Gautam was told by insurance that there is a limitation of one million. Earlier, the company has said that people with disability and third gender cannot have the insurance of more than one million. Gautam was of the view that members of this community also deserve the security and other facilities.

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