Provincial government committed to address the issues of sexual and gender minority: Baral

Provincial government committed to address the issues of sexual and gender minority: Baral

Rupandehi (Pahichan) March 17 – Social Development Minister of Province no. 5 government Sudharsan Baral has expressed a commitment that he would make the province sexual and gender friendly. Baral said that Ministry is always positive to ensure the right of sexual and gender minority, male, people with differently-abled, Dalit, Muslim, Madhesi, marginalized community.

Speaking at a program jointly organized by Blue Diamond Society and Open Society Foundation, Baral said he would provide rights to all and they are working to make a prosperous province. Speaking in the program province lawmaker Than Kumari Thapa, Kamala Devi Bisokarma, former lawmaker and journalist Binod Pahadi, Anik Rana, Manila Neupane said that gender-friendly society is a foundation of prosperity in the country. They underlined the need of creating appropriate environment for sexual and gender minority.

Speaking in the program, Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinky Gurung said with installation of province and local governments, policies and program should be formulated targeting sexual and gender minority. She suggested provincial government to make gender and sexual minority programs and policies.  Gurung said members of this community should be awarded with natural identity.

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