We have incorporated LGBTI issues in our strategic planning: Wasti

We have incorporated LGBTI issues in our strategic planning: Wasti

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 27 – Member of National Human Rights Commission Prakash Wasti has said that the commission is incorporating the issues of sexual and gender minority in its strategic planning.

Wasti said that Commission views male, female and third gender as an equal human being and there are not any discrimination based on gender.  He said NHRC has given priority to the social, cultural and economic rights of sexual and gender minority.

Speaking at a program organized by NHRC in coordination with Blue Diamond Society regarding the challenges of this community, he claimed that they have given priority to the agenda of this community.  Wasti said that they are planning to organized province-wise discussions about the rights of this community.

“NHRC is working to give voice to the voiceless people and NHRC is making recommendations to government on need basis,” he added.

Yasodha Subedi  Gurung of Federal Parliament said they would pay attention to the problems of this community in law-making process. She said society needs to understand this community in order to give a solid direction to the plights of this community. She added that there are some flexible provisions. “On the issue of identity, family should present the identity of this children and citizenship would be provided accordingly,” Gurung said.

Gurung who is also Member of Parliament’s State Affairs and Good Governance claimed that there is open provision to this community on citizenship.  She informed that members of this community should present medical proof to get citizenship as per gender identity but LGBTI community has rejected such provisions. She said all should lend their support to this community.

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