LGBTI community to submit memo to PM

LGBTI community to submit memo to PM

Lalitpur (Pahichan) April 28 – Members of sexual and gender minority have expressed the objections over the new provisions which has made it mandatory to submit medical proof to receive citizenship on the basis of gender identity. They are of the view that it is their defamation to make a provision that only those who change their sexual organ would get citizenship as per gender identity.

Speaking at a press conference organized by Parichaya Samaj Lalitpur, members of this community said that they should get citizenship as per their identity. They are of the view that like male and female they should get citizenship without any problems.

Manil Singh who secured the title of Mr. Gay Handsome in 2017 said only mentioning the rights in constitution and other documents do not ensure their rights. He underlined the need of change in mentality and thinking. He urged all concerned to ensure their dignity and respect.

Prem GC, Vice-chair of Samaj said state is discriminating to this community and members of this community are facing discrimination on daily basis. He warned of agitations.  Member of Federation of Nepalese Journalist and third gender Bhakti Shah said implementation part has been very weak. He said there is discrimination within this community and delay in formation of same-sex marriage has created further problems.

Manoranjan Baidya, program coordinator of Samaj informed that they are preparing to submit a memorandum of Prime Minister demanding the legalization of same-sex marriage and protection to their community. According to him, memorandum will be submitted through Ministry of Home Affairs and Chief District office. He informed that they will press local government to ensure the representation of this community in decision-making process. The Samaj is working for the welfare of this community since 2006.

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