Cook training for LGBTI community

Cook training for LGBTI community

Sunsari (Pahichan) June 2 – Itahari Sub-metropolitan City of Sunsari has conducted a training session targeting sexual and gender minority. The sub-municipality provided the financial support, while Manab Kalyan Samaj Itahari conducted cook training for this community. The training began with a slogan of Learn Skill and Become Self Employed.

The cooking was training was attended by 10 people of this community, according to Dev Narayan Chaudhary, Chief of Manab Kalyan Samaj Itahari.

According to Chaudhary, Municipality has allocated four lakh budgets in this fiscal year for this community which will be spent in orientation and training programs.

The budget was allocated following the advocacy of the organization for the empowerment of this community.  They have believed that training would help to be self-employed and it would pave the way for employment.

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