Social attitude towards LGBTI remains unchanged

Social attitude towards LGBTI remains unchanged

Kathmandu (Pahichan) June 27 – Stakeholders have said that social attitude towards sexual and gender minority still remains unchanged. Speaking at a program organized by National Human Rights Commission and Blue Diamond Society on human rights issues, stakeholders underlined the need of making social attitude towards this society positive.

They said members of this community are still lacking from social dignity, there is no identity to this community. They said such trends should come to an end.

In the program Chief District Officer of Morang district Ramesh KC, Police chief Biso Adhikari, INSEC Biratnagar chief Somraj Thapa, Manju Khadka of NHRC, Chair of Paribartanshil Samaj Muskan Shrestha said state should be serious to ensure the dignity of this community.

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