Members of sexual and gender minority facing discrimination in their own houses: Ghimire

Members of sexual and gender minority facing discrimination in their own houses: Ghimire

Kaski (Pahichan) July 2 – Attorney General of Gandaki Province Rajendra Ghimire has said that members of sexual and gender minorities are facing discrimination in their own houses due to the lack of sufficient social awareness about this community.

Speaking at a program organized by National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in Pokhara, Ghimire said until and unless society completely accepts the constitutional provisions of this community, such situation continues to exist in the society.

“The positive provisions in constitution and progressive verdicts issued by Supreme Court should be implemented,” he said, “Members of sexual and gender minority should get the opportunity of living a dignified life.”  He further added that there is a need of structural changes in order to remove discrimination against LGBTI.

Jagdhoj Karki, Coordinator of Gandaki province of NHRC mentioned about Supreme Court order issued in 2064 Poush 6 which directed government to make same-sex marriage law to ensure the representation of this community. Karki said Gandaki province should accommodate the issues of this community while formulated policy, programs and laws. Karki further added that there are problems in the areas of education, education and employment so police administration should improve their behavior.

Sushila Acharya, Development Officer at Social Development Ministry said that appropriate environment should be created to this community in their homes. She informed that Ministry has allocated some programs to this community. Bindiya Gautam of Blue Diamond Society, Gandaki Province said though constitution has some positive provisions about these community civil codes and other laws have not addressed this community.

Gautam said members of this community are facing difficulties to get citizenship. Raju Thakali of Naulo Bihani Pokhara informed that 30 members of this community have faced violence and out of them 13 were suffered from sexual violence.

Dipa Acharya who works in Gender and Social Inclusion of NHRC, Bishnu Baral, Western Coordinator of Civil Society for Peace and NGO Federation Gandaki Province Chief Bina Silwal expressed their opinions.

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