NA members silent about LGBTI issues

NA members silent about LGBTI issues

Kathmandu (Pahichan) July 7 – Not only in House of Representatives (HoR), National Assembly members are silent about the issues of sexual and gender minority. Speaking in NA, Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal and Minister of Women, Children and Senior Citizen Tham Maya Thapa were totally silent about this community.

Even the lawmakers did not raise any questions. The government has not mentioned about its community in its annual policy and program. Speaking in Parliament Minister Dhakal said government is trying to impose a time-bound calendar in law-making process.

Minister Thapa talked about gender-based violence but she was totally silent about the LGBTI community. In both parliaments, lawmakers are raising the voices in favor of LGBTI community. Though constitution has ensured the rights of this community, government and political parties are turning deaf ear.

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