Ensure our identity: sexual and gender minority

Ensure our identity: sexual and gender minority

Rupandehi (Pahichan) November 27 – The birth certificate, citizenship certificate and marriage certificates are the key identity of every citizen. However, members of sexual and gender minority are denied from these rights which has affected their rights to live as a common citizen of the society. Speaking at a program in Butuwal about the problems faced by this community and possible way out of resolving them, members of this community complained that due to their separate identity they are facing discrimination in the society.

The program was organized by Sashakikaran Nepal in collaboration with Mahuri Home. They underlined the need of mainstreaming this community. Though constitution has ensured the rights, the civil and criminal code has not accommodated the rights of this community. Still members of this community are compelled to produce medical report to get citizenship.

Rights activist Aanik Rana said members of this community are denied from citizenship due to their separate identity.  Rights activist Shilpa Chaudhary said they are being humiliated in the political and social sector. Provincial Assembly Thankumari Thapa said there should not be discrimination to anyone on the basis of gender identity. She said they would raise questions to formulate laws in favor of this community.  Provincial Assembly member Dipa BK said that members of this community should be incorporated in national census.

Provincial Assembly member Gita Thapa said though there are some legal problems which need to be addressed. She said members of this community should be treated in an equal way.  Samjana Sharma, Chief of National Human Rights Commission Butwal said that there are certain issues related to human rights of this community. She said the issue of human rights should be incorporated in school curricula.

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