1st Time in Nepal

Celebrating Love, Embracing Equality: Nepal’s LGBT+ Tourism Unveiled

Celebrating Love, Embracing Equality: Nepal’s LGBT+ Tourism Unveiled

Kathmandu : In 29 November 2023, Surendra Pandey and Maya Gurung became the first same-sex couple in Nepal to have their marriage officially recognized, following a years-long process of legal wrangling.

Their legally recognized same-sex marriage is the first of its kind in a South Asian country, and marks a milestone for LGBTQ rights.

This shows Nepal is ready for business inclusive of LGBTQ populations.

LGBT rights in Nepal have evolved significantly during the 21st century. In 2007 Nepal repealed the laws against gay sex and introduced several laws which explicitly protected “gender and sexual minorities”. The Nepalese Constitution now recognizes LGBT rights as fundamental rights. On 28 June 2023, a single judge bench of Justice Til Prasad Shrestha issued a historic order directing the government to make necessary arrangements to “temporarily register” the marriages of “non-traditional couples and sexual minorities”.

Nepal is often considered a role model for LGBT rights in South Asia, due to its more tolerant attitudes and progressive laws.

There has been an increased level of participation in the political arena by openly LGBTI politicians such as Sunil Babu Pant, the first openly gay parliamentarian in Asia. Pant served in the Federal Parliament from 2008 to 2012. Pant was also one of the 27 experts at the meeting consolidating the Yogyakarta Principles.

WHY do we need to host this event?

Nepal is considered champion and beacon of hope for LGBT rights in South Asia and ready for business now.
Hosting an event focused on LGBT Tourism serves several important purposes and benefits, including:

• Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity: LGBT Tourism events create a safe and welcoming space for individuals of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. They promote inclusivity and foster a sense of belonging.

• Cultural Expression: LGBTQ+ events often showcase LGBTQ+ artists, musicians, authors, and creators. They celebrate LGBTQ+ culture, arts, and contributions to society.

• Economic Benefits: These events can boost the local economy through tourism, increased business for local establishments, and employment opportunities.

Overall, hosting LGBT events is not only about celebrating the LGBT community but also about advancing social justice, civil rights, economic advancements and, equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s an opportunity to create positive change and build a more inclusive and accepting society.

Impact In Tourism

Estimates place that LGBT tourism annual worldwide economic impact at more than 140 billion USD. But equally important are the social implications of supporting a strong, healthy LGBT travel market. By reaching out to gay travelers and creating a welcoming infrastructure, tourism businesses are helping to combat homophobia.

The benefits can include:

• Economic Impact: LGBT+ conferences typically attract a diverse and often affluent audience. Attendees often spend on accommodation, dining, entertainment, and shopping, boosting the local economy.

• Increased Tourism: Hosting a successful LGBT+ conference can put a destination on the map as an LGBTQ+ friendly place to visit. This can lead to an increase in general tourism.

We kindly request all local, national and international partners to show your support and solidarity to make this event a grand success.

Maya and Surendra, founders
MayakoPahichan Nepal

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