Provide suggestions: Says Ministry

Provide suggestions: Says Ministry

Ambika Dahal/Kathmandu (Pahichan) September 12 – Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare has sought suggestions on how to launch training and awareness program targeting gender and sexual minorities. Ministry has sought suggestions from stakeholders with a conclusion that there is a need of training and awareness campaign for this community.

Joint Secretary Shankar Prasad Pathak said such programs are necessary to remove the negative attitude of family and society about this community. In a meeting with representatives of Society, Pathak said ministry has a plan to launch training and program to enhance the capacity of this community and delete the negative attitude towards this community. “Please give me the suggestions regarding the nature of program,” Pathak said adding that ministry will take necessary steps after stakeholders present their suggestions.

He said Ministry is collaborating with the organizations working for the rights of homosexual and transgender. Blue Diamond Society Day Project Coordinator Bhumka Shrestha said it would be very useful if government agencies launch such program. “It will provide a positive message to end the discrimination if government launches such programs,” said Shrestha.  Homosexuals and transgender said that government staffs should be trained on how to treat the gender and sexual minorities.

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