Sex workers in Sunsari facing three-time violence than ordinary people : Survey

Sex workers in Sunsari facing three-time violence than ordinary people : Survey

Anusha Bhujhel/Sunsari(Pahichan) December 19 – An international day on violence against sexual workers has been celebrated at Sunsari District. The program was jointly organized by Human Welfare Society, Women Helping Group and Amda Nepal. The celebration of this day started after killings of 71 sex workers in America in 2003 due to the various reasons, according to Ajaya Katuwal, Program Coordinator of Amda Nepal.

Sunsari 1This is a second time that this day has been celebrated in Sunsari district. A survey made four years ago has pointed that 20 percent sex workers are facing violence.

Suhani Rajdhami, a transgender said sex workers are facing three time discrimination and violence than an ordinary people. She said there is more violence from administration. “The representatives of police administration, human rights commission and other organizations should be incorporated in such programs to end the violence against sex workers,” said Rajdhami.

Binod Wagle, Coordinator of Human Welfare Society took Rajdhami’s suggestions in a positive way. He said sex workers are not openly coming out as celebration of this day has just begun. “We are holding regular awareness program and interaction among stakeholders about this community,” Wagle said. The celebration of this day was initiated 13 years ago inAmerica.

Gauri Nepali, Program Officer of Federation of Gender and Sexual Minority said all sex workers should be united to end discrimination against this community. This year, more than 40 sex workers were killed and out of them 13 were transgender. Rita Timalsena of Jagriti Women Federation urged all to contribute from their positions for ending discrimination against this community. Thakur Chaudhary informed that sex workers are facing various physical, psychological, economic and other violence and measures should be taken to avoid them.

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