All citizens including gender and sexual minority are equal: Singer Rai

All citizens including gender and sexual minority are equal: Singer Rai

Kathmandu (Pahichan) December 27 – Singer Milena Rai has said that all citizens should be treated equally. Rai said all citizens have equal status and people should have rights to live equally. No one should be discriminated.

Melina RaiRai said gender and sexual minority should get equal rights and they should be behaved in a proper way.  “The issue of homosexual and transgender should not be made a huge matter,” Rai said adding that still many people do not take this community in a positive way.

Rai said this community should be treated like man and women. Rai said as state is gradually addressing their demands, there will be equal behavior to the members of this community.

“All people should get rights, I have heard that members of this community are receiving passports and citizenship on the basis of their identity,” said Rai adding that society will treat them in a respectable way. She said people with opposite sex would assist the struggle of this community.

According to Rai, people from all walks of lives should lend their support to this community which helps to remove negative attitude of society towards this community.

“I have sung sings of various ethnic groups and religion, I have also sung but there are no songs about his community, songs of this community would help to delete negative mindset towards this community,” said Rai. Lack of songs could be a reason behind it, she said.  Rai is popular singer of Nai Na Bhanu La, Tin Ko Kammar Mathi Patuki among others

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