We are committed to ensure free movement of LGBTI: Home Ministry

We are committed to ensure free movement of LGBTI: Home Ministry

Kathmandu (Pahichan) December 27 – Ministry of Home Affairs has said that it is committed for the protection of human rights of homosexual, transgender, bisexual and inter-sex.

The statement of Ministry comes at a time when members of this community are being detained by police when they walk in the street. Home Ministry said there is not any restriction to the members of this community for free movement.

Joint Secretary at Ministry of Home Affairs Dharmaraj Gywali, who is working in Human Rights, Law and verdict implementation division, suggested to make institutional complaints if anyone has been detained by police. Speaking to Pahichan online, Gywali said in comparison to two years ago, members of this community are coming public.

He, however, said members of this community are not allowed to involve in untoward activities in the society. He said there are some untoward activities in Thamel activities. “The members of this community should be adjusted in society, so that society could accept them,” Gywali said. Gywali said there is increasing awareness about the rights of this community across the world. He informed that while he was in Local Development Ministry, he had suggested that inter-sex people could be registered in birth certificate.

“Sunil Babu Pant had come here but before that it had written the advice. Members of this community should not hesitate to disclose their identity,” Gywali said. He informed that human rights trainings are being imparted to the police personnel of all levels. He said some police personnel are arresting members of this community due to lack of knowledge. “There should be written complaints about particular problems. It is against human rights to arrest members of this community,” said Gywali. Members of this community are saying that people would detain when they walk in the street.

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