22 Hundred homosexual, transgender disclosed their identity in Rapti zone

22 Hundred homosexual, transgender disclosed their identity in Rapti zone

Dang (Pahichan) January 23 – 22 Hundred homosexual and transgender have disclosed their gender identity in Rapti zone. In Dang along, there are 12 Hundred homosexual and transgender. Advisor of Human Health Society Silpa Chaudhary said number of this community in the region is higher as members of this community are still hesitant to disclose their identity. 

“Society has not accepted this community, state has not provided rights,” Chaudhary, “If state provides right and society accepts this community thousands of homosexual and transgender disclose their identity.”

She said society has been unable to provide employment to those who have disclosed their identity. She committed to take initiation to provide skill-based training to the members of this community in consultation with government. Chaudhary said District Development Committee has allocated budget for the welfare of this community but it is very low.

“DDC, Tribhuwan Municipality and Lamahi Municipality have allocated budget for use but is very few, I hope there will be increase,” said Chaudhary.  DDC Dang has already built toilets for members of this community.

Chaudhary said they played a vital role to mention the rights of this community in the constitution and there is a need of additional efforts to formulate laws. Chaudhary is informing political parties and parliamentarian about agenda and status of this community. He requested members of this community to come up with their gender identity.

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