Number of transgender reaches eight thousand in Rupandehi

Number of transgender reaches eight thousand in Rupandehi

Rupandehi (Pahichan) February 12 – The number of transgender in Rupandehi has reached eight thousand. Blue Diamond Society Rupandehi Chapter said number of transgender is increasing in the district.

Butwal coordinator of BDS Malina Neupane said the total number homosexual, transgender, bio-sexual and intersex is eight thousand. Last year, there were only seven thousand and five hundred members of this community. The recent study has shown an increase in the number.

The number of inter-sex, however, is very low. According to Neupane, only three people with inter-sex have approached BDS office. According to Neupane, regarding the inter-sex, their guardian conceals their identity and latter they go to India. The number of MSM and Bisex is high in the district.

 Similarly female to male number is also very low. Women homosexual are lower than male homosexuals. According to her, male are more capable of fighting in the society and family to make their identity open. Due to the lack of awareness, according to society, LGBTI community is hesitant to disclose their identity. In average, in every country LGBTI make up eight to 10 percent to total population. Mainly after the establishment of BDS in 2010, LGBTI members are disclosing their identity.

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