13 steps to greater LGBT equality

13 steps to greater LGBT equality

Kathmandu/Pahichan – LGBT activists have reached significant milestones over the the past few years. How can they achieve more? Our expert panel had these ideas

1 | Encourage LGBT activism

Years ago we started to build leadership capacity among the LGBT community. Now we have five LGBT-led groups and one sex worker group that have come together to reflect on how to push forward rights defence and protection concerns. When we started, there was just UniBAM. Caleb Orozco, LGBT human rights advocate, United Belizean Advocacy Movement (UniBam), Belize City, Belize,@UNIBAMSupport

2 | More leadership from the UN

It’s time the UN became more proactive. Cedaw is one of the strongest tools protecting women rights. When you have strong UN mechanisms with ample possibilities of enforcement this can be one of the greatest things for LGBTI rights. Sujan Panta, human rights and legal officer, Blue Diamond Society, Kathmandu, Nepal, @sujanktm

3 | Unleash parent power

The visibility of LGBTI people is what eventually makes the change possible, although in certain places it can lead to the loss of one’s job, the loss of the support of one’s family and even death threats. One can well understand why many are afraid of coming out. One effective strategy is to involve parents of LGBTI people in public initiatives: this helps fight against attempts to dehumanise LGBTI people. Renato Sabbadini, executive director, International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, Geneva, Switzerland,@RenatoSabbadini

4 | Address the legacy of the commonwealth

The UK government has a challenge in advancing human rights in a way that doesn’t replicate the political impositions of the empire. It should be offering technical support to those countries that do want to make policy changes [to decriminalise homosexuality] and encouraging governments to do so through dialogue not lecturing. We will be publishing a toolkit for Commonwealth countries on how to advance LGBT rights. Lewis Brooks, policy and research manager, the Royal Commonwealth Society, London, UK, @lewibrooks

5 | Sometimes it’s alright for western governments to interfere

There’s a school of thought that says the global north should not interfere or drive their agendas on LGBT rights in the global south. But I feel there are subtle ways in which this can be done. There is data to show that international pressure has been a turning point in decriminalising in certain countries in the past few years.Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, executive director, Equal Ground, Colombo, Sri Lanka,@_EQUALGROUND_

6 | Understand the context

In theory the business case should work in Singapore and the public health arguments in east Africa. Sri Lanka is trying to boost its democratic credentials and a commitment to democratic values should work there. Jonathan Cooper, chief executive, Human Dignity Trust, London, UK, @HumanDignityT

7 | Stop the violence everywhere

Our priority issue this year is anti-LGBT violence. Although sad that Jennifer Laude, a 26-year-old transwoman, had to die, we recognise that her death was a watershed moment in the history of LGBT activism in the Philippines. Her case exposed the dark truth about Philippine culture that is macho, patriarchal, misogynistic and inherently violent. To eradicate violence, we need to collaborate with other social justice movements because ultimately what we want to change is the culture in my country. That is a gargantuan task. So first, we need to ensure that anti-violence work starts within the LGBT community in the Philippines. We cannot advocate against violence if we replicate the same within LGBT advocacy.Naomi Fontanos, executive director, Gender and Development Advocates (Ganda) Filipinas, Quezon City, Philippines

8 | Big business can do good

In the case of Vietnam, the business community can act independently from the state, and that’s the case for PwC, Baker & McKenzie and KPMG. These businesses in Vietnam have taken actions in their companies to raise awareness of LGBT issues and try to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. They have also spoken in many public forums to encourage others in the business community to do the same. Tam Nguyen, founder, Viet Pride, Hanoi, Vietnam

9 | Use TV and films to change hearts and minds

Throughout my time with Glaad, it was clear that media advocacy has been a scalable and effective tool to reach mass audiences and grow acceptance. The media helped exponentially grow the “coming out experience” through which other Americas learned what LGBT meant and who we really are. More than just facts, figures, statistics and moral or ethical debates, we are brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, neighbours and co-workers. With Hollywood being America’s largest cultural export, this content will help change hearts and minds globally as well. Omar Sharif Jr, actor/ambassador, Human Rights Foundation, New York, US,@omarsharifjr

10 | Take discrimination cases to the courts

If LGBTI people live in countries that have constitutional rights that guarantee equal rights, then use the courts to challenge discriminatory laws and policies. Winning each case makes the next one easier, gives the media the opportunity to report the issue and the public to debate. It also gives inspiration to people who are afraid to express their orientation or gender. Michael Vidler, human rights lawyer, Vidler & Co Solicitors, Hong Kong

11 | Increase acceptance with creative ideas

There are so many tactics that can be used to change culture. Art, dialogue, media campaigns and more. A favourite example: Hiker Chiu of Taiwan initiated the global “Free Hugs With Intersex” movement to break down stigma. Leah Entenmann, research and communications coordinator, Alturi, New York, US,@AlturiOrg

12 | Fight the crackdown on civil society

There is a troubling trend of crackdowns on civil society. This closing of the democratic space has a particular impact on LGBT rights groups. Look at what is happening in Uganda, Nigeria, Russia and central Asia. It is very worrying.Jonathan Cooper

13 | Celebrate activists

The global LGBTI has grown enormously over the last three decades, tens of thousands of people around the world work hard every day to change their respective local and national communities everyday, and this change is becoming more and more real. To credit the work of all these activists can be also an effective way to progress our rights. Rosanna Flamer-Caldera

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