Far-western newspaper publishes editorial on LGBTI

Far-western newspaper publishes editorial on LGBTI

Kailali (Pahichan) February 22 – A daily newspaper of Kailai District has published editorials about the issues and problems faced by LGBTI. The Morning Bell daily has published an editorial about the problems faced by this community.  Sub-editor Tapendra Kunwar said he is writing about this community in the last few years to change the mindset of society.

He said editorial was published to create awareness about this community. “The members of this community facing a lot of difficulties we have given voices to voiceless people,” said Kunwar. “Despite many social stigmas, members of this community are coming out with their identity.

I am writing about this community to motivate them in the last few years,” he said adding that there are still superstitions in the society about members of this community. According to him, though members of this community were recommended, parties did not choose them as lawmaker in the second Constituent Assembly (CA).

Kunwar said members of this community are not allowed to fight in civil service and other government jobs. The editorial states that like male and female, members of this community should be treated in an equal manner.

“The members of this community are still facing discrimination. They should get equal rights in providing citizenship, education, health and employment,” the editorial states. The editorial suggested government to be serious about addressing agendas and problems of this community. “State should provide all facilities to LGBTI community, the editorial said.

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