Till 2000, people were hesitant to handshake with LGBTI members : Jha

Till 2000, people were hesitant to handshake with LGBTI members : Jha

Kathmandu (Pahichan) February 29 – West to Energy Project Chief Prakash Chandra Jha has said that same-sex marriage should be legalized. Jha is of the view that it is unalienable rights of any citizen to live according to their own way, and they should not be deprived from such rights. 

“If some likes other people, it is his\her rights and we should not stop them, many countries have already formulated laws on same-sex marriage,” Jha said adding that America, an ideal country has already formulated laws to legalize same-sex marriage. He questioned why Nepal is refusing to make such laws. About the questions of family, Jha said we are not going to engage only gay and lesbian marriage. “I mean people with homosexuality should get right to live with their own way,” Jha said.

“Till 2000 people were hesitant to hand shake with members of this family. Till 2005, in the rally of 100 people, 50 people of opposite sex participated in the rally to help them. In 2016, members of this community received the rights.” Jha said.  “It takes time but members of this community will get rights like male and female.” Stating that he was in cooperation with Sunil Babu Pant since the establishment of BDS, he is society is gradually changing its attitude towards LGBTI.

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