America to provide assistance to secure rights of LGBIT

America to provide assistance to secure rights of LGBIT

Kathmandu (Pahichan) March 17 – America has expressed commitment to provide necessary assistances in the campaign of gender and sexual minority to secure their rights. American Embassy in Kathmandu has said that it would organized seminar and waves the flags of this community in June this year. In a meeting with representatives of Blue Diamond Society, Embassy officials said they will express solidarity in the campaign of this community through social networking and other many programs.

In the meeting, Executive Director of BDS Manisha Dhakal said though rights of this community have been mentioned in the new constitution, its implementation is very weak. Even after Supreme Court verdict and circular of Ministry of Home Affairs, administration is hesitating to issue citizenship as per the gender identity. Dhakal said there is no provision of scholarship and employment opportunity to the members of this community.

According to her, after the establishment of BDS, the demands of this community have been addressed but discrimination and violence still exists. She also sought the support in the campaign of establishing rights. “Government has already received reports about legalizing same-sex marriage, National Human Rights Commission has written government to do same but there has not been progress,” said Dhakal.

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