“From Manoj Dai to Monica Didi”

“From Manoj Dai to Monica Didi”

Lalitpur (Pahichan) March 29 – The identity of Manoj Dai (brother) has been changed. Now, he is Monica Didi (sister). Earlier, we used to hug each other but it is not possible now. The birth identity was boy but with course of time, she carried out the habits of female. A student of sociology continued to share his feelings about Manoj Shahi. He was calling himself a cock.

Patan 1When Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Chairman Pinky Gurung said that if so he would call a female a hen, there was laughter in a classroom of Patan Multiple College.  Gurung said society accepts this analogy but when a male marriages another male society is reluctant to accept it.

Society would not accept their sexual relationship, Gurung said. Did you marry? Another student asked the questions. “No, I am waiting the legal provisions to marry. After the clearance of legal hurdles I will marry with the people I like,” Gurung replied.

Though a government committee has recommended a same-sex marriage it has not been implemented it. Gurung said due to the lack of legal provisions, even heterogeneous people are suffering in the society.Patan 2

She requested to respect the human rights of all people. Ramesh Rawat, Secretary of Nepal Student Union, Patan Multiple Campus Chapter, said it a matter of happiness to organize an interaction about the gender and sexual minority.

He requested students to create a positive atmosphere for the members of this community. Legal Advisor of BDS Sujan Panta said traditional mindset that there would be marriage between male and female should be abandoned. Gyanu Chhetri, head of College’s Sociology Department said it is good to know about gender and sexual minority.

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