International Transgender Day of Visibility

International Transgender Day of Visibility

Kathmandu (Pahichan) March 31 – Today, March 31st, Blue Diamond Society marks Transgender Day of Visibility 2016. Visibility has played a central historical role in the ongoing work to transform our material and symbolic conditions of existence in the pursuit of social justice.

In fact, the very recognition of our existence and affirmation of our full selves demands visibility every day. Nevertheless, Tran’s visibility does not happen without risk: Those who are visible are also exposed to the very dynamics they are challenging – discrimination, oppression and violence.

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Transgendr 2On this Transgender Day of Visibility, BDS also calls attention to the human rights of all LGBTI. Diverse bodies, identities, sexualities, and expressions must never justify the exposure, stigmatization, institutionalization, or criminalization of infants, children, or adolescents.

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