Same-sex marriage should be legalized: Singer Raut

Same-sex marriage should be legalized: Singer Raut

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 15 – Singer Asta Raut has said that same-sex marriage should be legalized. Speaking to Pahichan Radio program, Raut said government should formulate laws to legalize same-sex marriage.

“The purpose of marriage is not only giving birth to children. It is a unification of two souls,” said Raut saying that people who are capable to give birth to child are not doing so.asta

Stating that all human beings are equal and there are no differences between opposition sex, gay, lesbian and transgender. Raut said it is not an indication of a civilized society to discriminate any people on the basis of gender and sexual identity.

Raut said she is ready to sing songs on the theme of gender and sexual minority if it is required. “A take all people in an equal way .I am ready to sing songs without any money, please bring me some words that is suitable to my voices,” Raut said. She said she has not discriminated any gender and sexual minority. “Many of my friends are homosexual and transgender. I also have foreigner friends,” said Raut.  Raut said constitutional rights of gender and sexual minority should be implemented.

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