Same-sex marriage should be legalized: Shrestha

Same-sex marriage should be legalized: Shrestha

Kapilbastu (Pahichan) April 19 – Section officer of Kapilbastu Municipality Padmaraj Shrestha has said that rights of gender and sexual minority will not be confined only in constitution.  He said, “The rights of gender and sexual minority should be implemented without any delay.”

Speaking to Pahichan Radio program, Shrestha said same-sex marriage should be legalized. “Marriage is a unity of two hearts. If two people are united in terms of heart, ideology and sentiment, they should get opportunity to marry,” said Sherstha. Shrestha expressed the displeasure for not respecting gender and sexual minority.

Shrestha informed that municipality has allocated budget for Blue Diamond Society. He advised the BDS local chapter to set examples doing some outstanding jobs. He said amount of budget would depend on the activities

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