Formulate separate laws for gender and sexual minority : NHRC

Formulate separate laws for gender and sexual minority : NHRC

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 20 – National Human Rights Commission(NHRC) has said that there is a need of formulating separate laws for the gender and sexual minority. NHRC said as the rights of this community has already been mentioned in the constitution, there is a need of new laws to implement those provisions.

20160419_123017Basudev Bagain of NHRC said only the constitutional provision is not sufficient so there is a need of new laws.  Bagain expressed such opinion at a program organized by Day Project of Blue Diamond Society on the issues related to documentation of human rights violation and rights of gender and sexual minority.

He said members of this community are facing discrimination due to the traditional mindset of the people; members of this community are facing discrimination. He said members of this community are facing less discrimination in the recent days. He suggested not become disappointed and work to create awareness about this community.20160419_123031

He said it is the responsibility of the state to protect the human rights of all its citizens.  He suggested pressing government to formulate strong laws on gender and sexual minority. He urged to live with dignity and high morale in the society.

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