Ready to provide free of cost legal assistance to transgender: Lawyer Harijan

Ready to provide free of cost legal assistance to transgender: Lawyer Harijan

Nawalparasi (Pahichan) May 30 – Lawyer Nemnarayan Harijan of Nawalparasi has said that transgender are in existence since the ancient times. Speaking to Pahichan Online, he urged the members of this community to disclose their identity.

Without disclosing the identity, he said, members of this community will not get the rights. Officials at the district demanded the medical report when a transgender approached to get citizenship as per the identity.

When the persons went to make medical report, doctors manhandle in the secret parts. “I provided assistances to those people. I am ready to provide legal assistance to the members of this community,” said the lawyer.

He pledged to provide free of cost assistances to the members of this community. He also suggested joining parties to secure their rights.

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