When will we get our human rights? : LGBTI

When will we get our human rights? : LGBTI

Bake (Pahichan) June 5 – Transgender of Nepalgunj have asked government that when they will get the rights. Speaking at a media interaction under the Human Right and Communication Project of Norwegian Embassy, participants complained that government is not granting rights to them.

Shree Maya Gurung, Nirmala Chaudhary and Ankit Pun who earlier did not speak in the public forum put forth their concerns and problems in a clear and candid way.  “We have not been treated in par with male and male. We have been denied to marry; I am living with a partner, there are also problems to adopt children. We are facing discrimination from government officials,” said Shree Maya.

Transgender Nirmala Chaudhary said issues related to citizenship are not resolved though constitution has addressed the problems of this community. “We have not received the citizenship on the basis of identity; we are receiving on the basis of old identity. We should get equal rights like women. When we will get our rights?” said Chaudhary.

Anit Pun actively participated in the program. “At the time of birth, I was daughter, the aim of my father was to receive son-in-law,” said Pun. Pun was compelled to leave the home as her parents did not accept me. Pun said state has done nothing to o protect the people who are expelled from House.

Regional Chief of Tara Nepal Sudip Bhatta said government report on same-sex marriage is gathering a dust and there is a vital role of media to address the problems faced by this community.  Speaking at the program, journalists said though the issues of this community are sensitive it would vanish in course of time.

“Sometimes press would cover this issue in a serious way but it would be abandoned,” said Journalist Niraj Gautam. Journalists said they are curious about the behaviour and gestures of homosexual and transgender.

Media persons also shared about the difficulties and space provide by media. Journalist Ramesh Wagle, a journalist from Kathmandu informed about the LGBTI and media. The participants said program helped to build their confidence.

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