111 transgender infected from HIV

111 transgender infected from HIV

Kathmandu (Pahichan) June 16 – It has been found that 111 homosexual and transgender from 17 separate districts are infected with HIV.  According to a study conducted by Blue Diamond Society and Global Fund Save the Children, this figure was found on the basis of blood test. In the tent month’s period, 0 percentages in MSM, 1.25 percentages on MSW and 1.48 HIV infection.

According to Jhala chapter of BDS, three people died in ten months period due to HIV infection. BDS is working to stop infection as well as providing free of cost treatment to this community. Similarly, it is creating awareness about the use of condoms.HIV

In a review meeting organized in Kathmandu, LGBTI of 25 districts said that along with programs, orientation program should be continued.  “Some are facing HIV infection,” Pushpa Lama of Nawalparsi said, “Some people are seeking treatment.”  Haribol Bajagain of Save the Children Mid and Far-western project Manager suggested taking the program to targeted people.

Preena Bista said some of the members of transgender are unwilling to disclose their identity.  There are many form muslim community. Charles of Kanchanpur said there is a need of awareness program about this community.  Shilpa Chudhary and Jyoti Thapa of Dang and Bhaktapur said many people are coming for follow up but they are also gradually migrating.


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