Legalize same-sex marriage : NBA General Secretary Khati

Legalize same-sex marriage : NBA General Secretary Khati


Kathmandu (Pahichan) June 24 – General Secretary of Nepal Bar Association Khamba Bahadur Khati has said that same-sex marriage should be legalized without any delay.

Speaking to Pahichan Radio Program, Khati said as constitution has guaranteed the rights of sexual and gender minority they should get their marriage rights.

“Constitution has clearly spoken about their rights,the LGBTI should be granted the rights to marry according

to their will,” Khati said. If law is not formulated, according to him, the constitution will not be properly implemented.

“Nepal Bar is responsible for holding the discussion and it would provide legal support to government,” he said adding that Bar will play a vital role to formulate the laws of LGBTI as per the constitutional provisions. He said that all sections of society should know about this community.


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