700 LGBTI joined Naya Shakti

700 LGBTI joined Naya Shakti

Kaski (Pahichan) July 7 – Altogether 7 00 gender and sexual minority has taken the membership of Naya Shakti Nepal. Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinky Gurung who is also interim council member of Naya Shakti Nepal shared the information at a program organized at Pokhara. The program was jointly organized by Norwegian Embassy, Naulo Bihani and Paribartan Nepal.

Gurung informed that members of this community have joined the Naya Shakti in order to institutionalize the rights of this community in a political way.  “Members of this community should be aware about the politics because every agenda are linked with politics.

“If we join the political party, it will further cement the rights of this community,” Gurung said. She said rights of this community were mentioned due to the lobbying in the political centre.

She, however, said that she has not pressed anyone to join Naya Shakti.  Baburam Bhattarai when he was finance minister in 2008 allocated budget for the members of this community. Bhattarai also played a vital role to establish the rights of this community in the new constitution.

Gurung said members of this community could join any political parties as per their political inclination. She highlighted the awareness campaign launched by members of this community. She said that district administration offices are creating hurdles to provide new citizenship to the members of this community according to their identity.

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