Constitution should be implemented to ensure the rights of gender and sexual minority: Stakeholders

Constitution should be implemented to ensure the rights of gender and sexual minority: Stakeholders

Chitwan (Pahichan) July 22 – Gender and sexual minority has said that as constitution has not been implemented they are denied from exercising the rights mentioned in the constitution.

Speaking at an interaction program organized by Manab Sachetana Samaj Chitwan, a branch of Blue Diamond Society, they said constitution should be implemented. The theme of the program was human rights, legal rights and constitutional rights of gender and sexual minority.

Legal Advisor to BDS, Sujan Panta said though the rights of gender and sexual minority is mentioned in the 12, 18 and 42 of the constitution, they have not been implemented.

There are rights of citizenship in article 12, rights of equality in 18 and social justice rights in article 42 of the constitution. Pant said if the law is formulated on the basis of those constitutional provisions, no one can discriminate the members of this community.

As Nepal is a first country to introduce the rights of this community in the constitution, there is a need of excreting pressure for its implementation.  Pant said that there is still discrimination in the districts to get the citizenship.

He said there is a provision of filling forms mentioning other in the gender section of the constitution. He said a hospital in Chitwan is turning its deaf ear to make the provisions of others in the form. Dev Narayan Shrestha, Chitwan Chief of the Society expressed happiness as Everest Bank, Nepal Telecom and other organizations incorporated others in the forms. He said a hospital in Chitwan is reluctant to provide facilities and give necessary treatment.  He said as government and non-governmental organizations have not mentioned O inthe forms, they are denied from applying.

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