Already issued citizenship cannot be corrected: Gautam

Already issued citizenship cannot be corrected: Gautam

Palpa (Pahichan) September 23 – Chief District Officer of Palpa Baburam Gautam has said that already issued citizenship mentioning the gender category could not be corrected. He said that though the demands of gender are sexual minority is genuine, it cannot be corrected. He stated that there are not any directives to correct the citizenship.

He, however, expressed a commitment that he is ready to support for the sexual and gender minority in order to secure their rights. Abantika Gharti has demanded to ensure citizenship on the basis of her identity.

Gharti said though she was a boy during the time of birth, he found herself the character of girls latter so that she sought the citizenship on the basis of gender. Gharti said she has been denied the citizenship on the basis of gender identity.

She also presented the examples of Bishnu Maya Praja, Pinky Gurung, Bhumika Shrestha, Anika Rana, Shilpa Chaudary, Santu Pun, Manila Neupane, Rupesh Thapa who has changed their citizenship of the basis of their identity.

Gautam, however, said they are ready to provide new citizenship on the basis of gender but Gharti’s citizenship cannot be corrected without directives from Ministry of Home Affairs.  Gautam said he would ask Ministry about the matter.

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