Ready to sing songs on LGBTI : Singer  Bhattarai

Ready to sing songs on LGBTI : Singer  Bhattarai

Kathmandu (Pahichan) September 26 – Singer Lochan Bhattarai has said that she is ready to sing the songs about gender and sexual minority if she gets appropriate words. 

“If a get a good words, I will sing songs about this community,” Bhattarai said adding that such songs are necessary to give a message that members of this community are equal like other citizens.  She, however, said that as members of this community are cheated by birth they need more support.

“They are cheated by birth so they need more support and goodwill, I always respect to them,” She said. Bhattarai further stated that members of this community should be given more rights to make an equitable society. “I do not see any reasons to discriminate members of this community,”

she said. She said that there are some cases of maintaining double standards, and we should remain cautious to them. “People who are showing double standards are harming the rights of LGBTI,” Bhattarai said.  She said that genuine LGBTI should not be denied from rights.

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