Transgender women in model selection process

Transgender women in model selection process

Kathmandu (Pahichan) September 26 – Homosexual and transgender Jyoti Thapa and Anusha Lama has participated in the model selection competition. Two transgender took part in training of personality development. Transgender Anusha Lama has been listed as top 20. Earlier, Anjali Lama has participated in such program in 2013.

anushaTransgender women Jyoti Thapa and Lama joined the training program organized by House of Fashion. The program was organized targeting the new generation who are seeking a platform to build their career in the modelling and fashion.  Such competition began in 2013.  jyoti-thapa

Altogether 63 people participated in the program. Transgender Jyoti Thapa expressed the happiness saying that it was an opportunity to show her skills and arts in the competition. Jyoti participated in the program disclosing her identity.

“We should disclose our identity to show that transgender are equally talent like male and female,” Thapa told Pahichan.  “I am feeling very happy because I got a chance to show my identity,” Thapa said. Official make of artist Sophie Sunuwar said there should not be hesitant to show the capacity. She said such program would help to those who are hesitant to show their identity.

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