Legislature committee seeks suggestions

Legislature committee seeks suggestions

Kathmandu (Pahichan) October 2 – Legislative Committee of Parliament has sought the suggestions on civil and criminal codes which is in the process of amndement. The Committee has requested to lodge their complaints within the 15 days.

Committee Chairman Ganga Chaudhary said they are in the process of amending 160 year long law. Chaudhary said they want to address the aspirations of all caste and community while amending the law.  Chaudhary said they do not want to miss all the minorities including homosexual and transgender while formulating the laws.

Members of the committee, Rewati Raman Bhandari said they will hold further discussions about mentioning the rights of homosexual and transgender in the both laws. BDS has submitted a report demanding to amend more than 3oo clauses in the laws. Former Attorney General Raghabalal Baidhya said there can be same-sex marriage as per the provision in civil code.

He said demands of gender and sexual minority is genuine and there is a need of amending the laws. According to him, there should be provision about the adopted girls and boys in the laws.

Former government Secretary Ramman Singh Malla said all citizens should get the rights to live with dignity. He said there have been weaknesses in the implementation of laws.

According to him, as members of this community are receiving citizenship and passports as per the gender there are not the chances of discrimination. He said Nepal should adopt a law that would allow the same-sex marriage. He expressed the optimism that there would be discussions in the Parliament on the same issue.

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