Transgender Bihani denied from performing last rites

Transgender Bihani denied from performing last rites

Indira Neupane/Siraha (Pahichan) December 4 – Transgender Bihani Das has been denied from performing the ritual of mother’s death. Family and transgender have denied from performing death ritual. Blue Diamond Society Siraha Jivan Jyoti informed about it organizing a press conference and condemned this act.

Program Coordinator Laxmeshwor Yadav said Das who lives in Siraha Municipality was denied on the basis of gender. According to him, society also treated Das in an inhuman way. Das said when she was heading to perform the last rites of her mother, members of society defamed and treated in an inhuman way.

“Transgender have their responsibility to their family,” Das said. Members of this community said problems faced by this community should be addressed without any delay. Journalists also expressed the commitment of providing full support.

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