We are very forward when it comes to the rights of gender and sexual minority: Maharajan

We are very forward when it comes to the rights of gender and sexual minority: Maharajan

Ambika Dahal/Lalitpur (Pahichan) January 15 – Section Office of National Human Rights Commission Regam Maharjan has said that Nepal is very forward in South Asia when it comes to the rights of gender and sexual minority.

She said gender and sexual minority of other countries have not received rights that Nepali citizen enjoy. She returned from Srilanka few days back where she participated in a workshop. “The presentation of Nepali team was strong and vibrant. In Nepal, same-sex marriage will be legalized soon,” she said.

NHRC has provisioned a separate focal person to look after the issues of this community and there are no such provisions in other countries.  In other countries, there is a provision of taking action which is condemnable, she said. Speaking to Pahichan, She said there is a need of more awareness and spreading the information about this community.

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