Establishing their identity is a true respect to gender and sexual minority : BRB

Establishing their identity is a true respect to gender and sexual minority : BRB

Kathmandu (Pahichan) February 6 – Coordinator of Naya Shakti Nepal Baburam Bhattarai has said that for the first in the history his party has accommodated members of gender and sexual minority in the Central Committee. Speaking at an inaugural session of formation Central Council of gender and sexual minority Bhattarai further added that establishing the identity of this community would be a true respect to them.

Bhattarai said it is a matter of happiness that new constitution has addressed this community through the provision of representation. Stating that there should not be discrimination against this community, he is the guardian of this community. 

Bhattarai said members of this community played a vital role the 10-years long insurgency. He pledged to ensure the representation of this community. “Only the identity is separate, the capability of all people is equal, Bhattarai said.

He said state would ensure the representation of this community. He said same-sex marriage should be legalized. Bhattarai is of the view that he is ready to provide any kinds of support to ensure the rights of this community.

Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinky Gurung said for the first time in Nepal’s political history, a political party has accommodated them in the party organization. She expressed the optimisms that Naya Shakti would ensure the social, political and cultural rights of this community.

Central Executive member Janak Shah said party should ensure the representation of all community. Shah said goal of his party is to ensure the prosperity in the country and his party wants to make a participatory socialism. Shah said his party would involve this community in the various production related works.

Organizational Department Chief Kumar Poduel said the department of gender and sexual minority is 22 the organization. He said such organization will be vital for the securing the rights of this community. He said it would be easy to adjust in the society after working with political party.

Poudel said along with male and female, members of this community should get the right. Poudel said civil and criminal code should be endorsed in a way that would secure the rights of gender and sexual minority.  He suggested scrapping discriminatory laws. Chief of Women Association Rama Giri said her organization is with her in the rights of gender and sexual minority.  Giri said male and female and transgender should get the equal rights.

Women Department Chief of Naya Shakti Hishila Yami said such kind of gathering is first is South Asia. She said for the first time, she met homosexual women in America in 1990. She said even in America members of this community are compelled to conceal their identity.  She said representation of this community in the Naya Shakti is not just a show piece.  Other participants in the program said society is yet to fully understand the issues of this community and there is a need of further discussions and awareness about this community.

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