Initiation of a day for transwomen admirers

Initiation of a day for transwomen admirers

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 5 – From 2016 we have initiated on Facebook to celebrate April 5 as “International Day for Men who are attracted to Transwomen

Explaining the men who are attracted to transwomen: The men who are attracted to transwomen come from diverse sexual identities and feelings. There are many kinds of men who are attracted towards transgender women. For learning more about them, I would suggest you to visit About men who are attracted to transwomen

However, the situation with men who are attracted to transwomen is very different, not only are such relationships devoid of social pressure to encourage them, there is a strong social pressure (or at least a fear of social condemnation), that discourages men seeking such relationships. Add to this the fact that most trans-oriented/trans-atrracted men have little knowledge of transwomen and almost no exposure to successful relationships, in real life or in the media.

We live in a society where it is always hetero-normative. And there is existence of those men who are attracted to transwomen. Often these men are mistaken for being gay. But actually they don’t like “men”, and they’re not gays. They are attracted towards transwomen. Such men also exist in the world, although are hidden. Therefore I think the establishment of this day is for their recognization in society.

This day has been established to provide an awareness for men who have a sexual and emotional orientation towards transwomen. It also aims to humanize trans-attracted men in the public eye and to help family members and friends of trans-attracted men to get a better understanding of what it means to be “trans-attracted “. A large part of the reason why trans-attracted men are misunderstood is because transwomen are generally misunderstood, so we have to provide better understanding about transwomen as well. The mission of the day is to establish equal recognization, visibility, discrimination free society, and bias-less-ness towards men who are attracted to transwomen


The background of establishment of a day starts from Facebook. Three people Rukshana Kapali, Troy Kennedy and Ken Dee meet up on Facebook. Rukshana Kapali had already been administering a Facebook page called Transwoman and men who like transwomen and a Nepalese version of it. Through this page she gets to know two other men. ”

I always used to have pessimist view on my relationship with men. But these guys proved me wrong. They were very proud of themselves as being attracted to transwomen and were proudly claiming it.”, Rukshana said.  “Not only that they also had a secret group on Facebook where all such men meet. They also made Youtube videos on men who are attracted to transwomen. They terms trans-attracted and trans-oriented were used.”

Rukshana adds, “Then an idea popped up in my mind that there are many days like LGBTI Day, Women’s Day and all, why don’t we have a day for you guys. Two of the men were like okay, we should.

The day does not simply mean a day. It enlightens the issue we mostly do not even talk about. Yes we have started talking about LGBTI, we have started talking about transwomen in specific and in many parts of the world, we have had many milestones in its field. But about men who are attracted to transwomen, we never seen people talking much. Moreover, people do not have idea that men who are “straight” are also attracted to transwomen. There is certain sort of identity crisis. Even there are so many men who are attracted to transwomen, but because they don’t know such things exist, they are worried and confused about their fantasies.  I also found that having a certain day and at least circulating on social media also has impact, when social media is taking over and has taken over as information dissemination in parts of world.

Well, we had more discussion on what date to choose. We brainstormed much. But in the field of men who are attracted to transwomen, this is a new thing. Therefore, at least we agreed to choose a random date. So we did. We put it April 5 for probably a random choice. In 2016, three of us put a status on Facebook and posts and created an online event of Facebook. The theme they chose in 2016 was “For pride of our attraction” and in 2017 is “Men being attracted to transwomen is not shameful, hating them is”

However, it was just a starting on Facebook, we hope that this day becomes established and celebrated in real world by those men and such initiation is already being started.”

On Facebook page: International Day for Men who are attracted to Transwomen

Hashtags: #IDMT #IDMT2017

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