Sydney protests Trump, PM on LGBTIQ rights

Sydney protests Trump, PM on LGBTIQ rights

Kathmandu (Pahichan) June 12 – A Pride March in Sydney has brought a mass of colour to the city’s grey skies. Rally goers congregated at Town Hall under rainbow umbrellas and wrapped in rainbow flags to send a message to Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull’s barriers to LGBTIQ rights.

Sydneysiders of all ages joined the Global Day of Action for LGBTIQ rights on Sunday afternoon.

“We are here for equality,” said couple Annie Browing, 67 and her partner of 41-and-a-half years, Helen Evans, 71.

“It’s absolutely time for change,” the pair told AAP.

The group Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) is angry if Trump signs an executive order it would cripple anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people.

The order would allow employers to deny employee health coverage for contraception and abortion. It also would permit federally funded adoption and family services organisations to discriminate against same-sex couples.

“What Trump does matters here,” said Patrick Wright, a co-convener of CAAH.

“The Liberal government is already praising Trump on his immigration ban and his corporate tax cuts. If Trump wants to attack LGBTIQ people, he’ll give a boost to the homophobes in our own parliament.”

“This is an insane attack,” said Cat Rose, also of CAAH.

“Trump is trying to disorient the people’s opposition by attacking us all at once. Global solidarity with US protesters is about telling them ‘we got your back’, but it’s also about tackling our own governments.”

Sydney school girls, Abigail and Caitlin, both 17, at Sunday’s rally said they were marching for marriage equality in Australia.

“It’s pretty embarrassing that Australia considers itself one of the leading western countries and doesn’t have marriage equality,” Caitlin told AAP.

Lots of their friends feel the same way, Abigail said.

The Turnbull government has denied LGBTIQ people their equal marriage rights, something supported by at least 65 per cent of the population, Mr Wright said.

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