Should we take T out of LGBT ?

Should we take T out of LGBT ?

Joey G. Mueller/Pahichan – I’m a lesbian. I’m a women’s rights activist and an advocate for human rights.  There are so many discussions about excluding transgender people from the LGBT community recently… I haven’t made any public comments on the issue yet. I can explain why. The answer is very simple. I see all the attempts to tear apart the community as an act of sabotage to destroy our spirit, fellowship and unity. It really makes me upset. We are one nation. We are one Rainbow Family. Yes, I know. Sexual orientation is not associated with transgenderism.

Transgenderism is not associated with sexual orientation. But…
Many transgenders identify themselves as bisexual.
Some of them are homosexual. Some of them are heterosexual.
Some of them are polysexual or asexual.

I’m a lesbian, a woman attracted to women.
Gay men are attracted to men.
We are gay women. They are gay men. What do we have in common?
We are homosexual human beings and we are not the same.
We are women who love women. They are men who love men.
What do we have in common with bisexual people?
Bisexuals are attracted to both women and men.
We are exclusively attracted to women.
We have something in common but we are not the same.

We live, think and love in different ways.
We are all different.
But… Are these the reasons to separate from each others?
We haven’t got much in common but there’s still a lot of work to be done. We stand together for our freedom. We fight together for our rights and acceptance. We stand together for all. LGBT.
Together we are stronger.

Yes, we are different from each other. Yes, we are different from them. Transgenders are more vulnerable than other community members. They’ve given us massive support for years and we can’t just drop them from our community like trash. Transsexual people need our support and compassion. We have to give them the support they need instead of putting them down.

Published by Joey G. Mueller

Lesbian activist. LGBT rights defender.

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