What transgender feel on FaceApp ?

What transgender feel on FaceApp ?

Madhav Dulal/Pahichan – What would you look like as a person of the opposite gender? Your Facebook friends want to know.  Face App, which uses neural networks to create photo realistic facial transformations, has been around since the beginning of 2017 and its popularity had ebbed and flowed, but has recently ticked up again.

The new App can change their gender face: male into female and vice versa. Such pictures are also widely posted in Facebook. We cannot definitely say whether it is just a fun or interest of those people. However, some could feel happy to do so due their hidden interest to adopt separate identity than they currently have in society.

Born as male but gradually accepting the characters of female or vice versa are the transgender. The transgender are demanding for the right.

But, they do not need Facebook apps. However, transgender are keenly seeing such photos.  Some people could have real interest but they are not saying such things openly due to the fear of society. For many, app could have been a medium to release their frustrations.

There are also opinions that Facebook could have launched such apps to read the psychology of man. Some journalists have posted their photos with status but others have only posted their photos. Some have remembered their childhood when their parents used to call them with female name.

According to observes, if people have interest to change their identity like in Apps they should dare to do so because transgender are openly living in the society. As there are some criticisms of App-created faces, we could easily guess the degree of discrimination and criticisms that members of this community are facing.

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