Transgender have not approach us yet: Raut

Transgender have not approach us yet: Raut

Kathmandu (Pahichan) March 19 – Halesi Tuwachung Municipality-6 Chairman Ramesh Raut said members of transgender have not yet approached seeking budget from municipality.

He said though Municipality has informed that transgender are like male and female in society, no one has approached yet seeking support. He said Municipality is already ready to support members of this community within the framework of budget and program. He said municipality is even ready to correct the current program to accommodating members of this community.

Though we have identified some homosexual and transgender, they have not disclosed their identity, said Raut. It may be due to the fear from society and family; members of this community are reluctant to disclose their identity, according to Raut. He was of the view that there should not be discrimination against his community in the society.

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