LGBTI community a special capacity bestowed by nature: Minister Bisokarma

LGBTI community a special capacity bestowed by nature: Minister Bisokarma

Kathmandu (Pahichan) April 21 – Minister for Youths and Sports Jagat Bahadur Bisokarma said on Friday that society will be compelled accept the reality of sexual and gender minority.

Stating that all citizens are equal in the eye of law, sooner or later, society will accept the reality of this community, the minister said while inaugurating the first Futsal Competition of sexual and gender minority.

Minister Bisokarma suggested to be organized and raise the voices of this community. “I hope you achieve self-dignity. All human beings are equal. People like good behavior not discriminatory behavior,” he said. “You have a special capacity bestowed by nature. The Minister said he feels pride and happy to inaugurate the futsal competition. He fledged to formulate policy and program allocating budget to this community.

Member-Secretary of National Sports Council Keshav Kumar Bista said this is the first futsal competition organized from government level in South Asia.  “We want to expand it in the coming days. The capacity of this community will be extended to international arena,” said Bista.

Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinky Gurung said it is a human right and health rights. “Sports are necessary. It is not only the rights of play but also health and human rights,” said Gurung. Stating that there are transgender male in the security agencies and sports area, she said that such discrimination must come to an end. She said that it is appreciative move to organized futsal match from government level. She demanded to continue such competition.

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