Govt positive to address LGBTI issues, says Law Minister Dhakal

Govt positive to address LGBTI issues, says Law Minister Dhakal

Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal has said that debate has started about the formulation laws to legalize same-sex marriage. Minister Dhakal said failure to mention this issue in criminal and civil codes does not mean that same-sex marriage would never be legalized.

Addressing a National Consultative meeting of sexual and gender minority, Dhakal said that government is serious about legalizing same-sex marriage. “I am not in favor or against the same-sex marriage, i take it as a part of regular law reforming process of society according to the needs of society,” said Dhakal.

Minister Dhakal underlined the need of continuous struggle while securing the achievements made so far. Minister fully assured that government stands in favor of the LGBTI community.

“Members of this community are free to secure their rights and exercise the freedom,” said Dhakal.  Minister informed that new citizenship act which is currently in parliament has the provision of providing citizenship to this community as per their gender identity. “Government is positive about the demands of this community and civil and criminal codes have not discriminated this community,” Dhakal added.

Commissioner and Spokesperson of National Human Rights commission said that laws should not be formulated encroaching the fundamental rights mentioned in the constitution. “Gender does not mean only male and female, state should not undermine this community,” said Ansari.  Ansari said the issues of this community have reached in Parliament and there have been some changes.

Chairman of Blue Diamond Society Pinky Gurung said they cannot remain silent if laws are formulated flouting the constitutional provisions. She demanded to legalize the same-sex marriage. The program is attended by the representatives from all provinces.

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