Canada’s supreme court rules that LGBT rights come before your religious beliefs

Canada’s supreme court rules that LGBT rights come before your religious beliefs

Kathmandu (Pahichan) December 17 – Canada’s top court has ruled in favour of denying accreditation to a Christian law school that banned students from having gay sex.

Friday’s ruling against Trinity Western University in British Columbia (BC) was closely watched by both religious freedom and gay rights advocates.

The university made students promise not to have extra-marital or gay sex.

The Supreme Court found that protecting LGBT students from discrimination trumped religious freedom.

The evangelical university finalised its proposal for a law school in 2012 and applied for accreditation in every province so that its students could be called to the bar anywhere in Canada.

Ontario, British Columbia and Nova Scotia law societies denied the school accreditation, on the grounds that it required all students to sign a covenant binding them to a code of conduct which banned sex outside the confines of heterosexual marriage.

Source : hopeforourtimes

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