After donor agencies Govt slaps LGBTI community

After donor agencies Govt slaps LGBTI community

Kathmandu (Pahichan) June 2 – Repeating the mistakes made by previous government, government led by Nepal Communist Party has betrayed sexual and gender minority.

The budget tabled by Finance Minister Yubaraj Khatiwada does not have any incentives to this community. And, members of this community have taken it as a slap to them by government.

The new constitution promulgated in 2015 cemented the rights of sexual and gender minority but since them all governments did not allocated by budget for the empowerment of this community.

Transgender rights activist Bhumika Shrestha expressed a serious objection to government’s move.  “I am very sad to know that budget has not mentioned even a single word about this community,” Shrestha said. “The constitution has ensured our rights but we do not understanding my government is not brining any programs targeting to us,” Bhumika said. In the past, Ministry of Women, Senior Citizen and Children used to allocate some budget for the awareness campaign.

It is not sure whether there are any plans to allocate budget at the ministerial level. In past couple of years, the condition of this community is getting worse to the lack of resources. On the one hand, members of this community are losing the job, on the other hand, donor agencies are cutting the funds to this community.

Some international agencies are allocating budget targeting this community but it has not reached the target groups. There are also issues of transparency on the budget allocated to this community. Some international agencies are spending billions in the name of minority groups but they have neglected to this community.

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