Call to resume the Pahichan Radio program

Call to resume the Pahichan Radio program

Binod B.K.(Pahichan) April 15 -Rupandehi FM has expressed sadness over closure of Radio program Pahichan operated by Blue Diamond Society. Station Manager of FM Shankar Pandey said the program who is advocating for the rights of transgender should come into operation at the earliest.  He said closure of the program would have negative impact at a time when there is a need of making the campaign more effective to secure the rights of third gender.

“The program was pressing the Constituent Assembly, parliament and other stakeholders. There was a need to intensify and making it more effective. This would badly affect the activities of Society,” Pandey said. Highlighting the need of resumption of the program, Pandey said there is a need of making the campaign more effective. “The program was providing information about the sexual and gender minorities,” he said adding that millions of audiences are being affected.

He said there is no alternative to the program to inform the society about this community.  News Reader of the same FM Usha Kiran said all should provide their assistance to the Society which is working to institutionalize the rights of homosexuals and transgender.  She said human rights activists as well as state mechanism should support to resume the Pahichan program. She said there is a need of pressure on concern stakeholders for the continuation of the program.

Society was launching the Pahichan Radio program since three years which was supported by Norwegian Embassy Kathmandu. After the Embassy stopped the assistance, Society has failed to operate the program and other human rights related activities. Society was producing 5o-minute program on the daily basis.

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