2071: A mixed bag of optimism and pessimism

2071: A mixed bag of optimism and pessimism

Kathmandu(Pahichan) April 16- For the Blue Diamond Society 2071 remained a mixed year. There was optimism as well as pessimism. Despite some progress, the year remained pessimistic one. The fact is another year was passed with some memorable events, both positive and negatives.   

  1. A high-level government Committee formed to study the feasibility of same-sex marriage submitted its report after the span of seven years. This raised hope among gender and sexual minorities because it suggested that government should legalize same-sex marriage.
  2. In a major achievement, government started issuing passports to homosexuals and transgender under O category. Though all the preparations have been completed passport distribution task remains incomplete. It has a give achievement for the Society.
  3.  The immigration Department issued a form which allows the homosexuals and transgender to writer others as their gender identity which ensured their identity.
  4. Nepal Telecom started to issue the mobile numbers under the O category; similarly, they gained the rights to register their companies under the O category.
  5. A transgender couple held their marriage ceremony with a musical instrument which was an open challenge to government. Ajta Bhujel couple tied their knot asking to legalise the same-sex marriage. However, it is yet to receive a legal status
  6. There are also sad cases that we witnessed in 2071 BS. Around 50 journalists and lawyers who were involved in the campaign of securing the rights of homosexuals and transgender were relieved from their responsibilities.  The Norwegian Embassy stopped providing the assistance to Blue Diamond Society.
  7. The Pahichan Radio program which was raising the voices of homosexuals and transgender was stopped due to the lack of assistances.  The program was a milestone in securing the human rights of sexual and gender minorities which has affected the overall campaign.
  8. Mohini who real name is Dilip Rai spent 25 days in police custody. Rai was involved in beating and thrashing homosexuals and transgender. It provided that people who breach the law are not protected in the society.
  9. At the end of year, Chairman of Blue Diamond Society was bereaved. Gurung’s father died. Similarly, a transgender who had gone to Dolalghat for a picnic purposed was beaten. Police has arrested the people in thrashing the transgender.

 2071 witnessed both success and drawbacks. We should learn lesson from them to move ahead in unison.  The campaigner Sunil Babu Pant should provide the guardianship and protection to continue this campaign. Happy New Year 2072.

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